
To keep the education quality, UAD provides education facilities which can be easily accessed by all academic society at UAD. The quantity and the quality are also always increased as the science and technology development.

The facilities standard is based on the national standard of education related to the minimum criteria of the classroom, sport field, praying room, library, laboratory, office, playground, recreation area, and other learning sources which are necessary to support the learning process including the use of information and communication technology.


The libraries have 24.397 book titles consisting of 67.453 exemplars. These numbers always increase as the need and reading interest of the students also increase. Besides providing references in form of books, the libraries also provide magazine collections, newspapers, thesis, and other reports of research and community service.

Co-curricular Facilities

There are many student activity units, intra and extracurricular organizations. Students can develop their interest, talent and skills in the fields of entrepreneurship or business, academic scientific, sport and arts, and preaching. Each student activity unit has an office in the student center complex on Kapas street Semaki Yogyakarta. Student organization of UAD consists of:

  1. Student Activity Bodies consist of Student Representative Board, Student Executive Board, and Study Program Student Association.
  2. Student Activity Unit
  3. Muhammadiyah Ortonom Organization
  4. Other student activity group which support the educational activities

Health Facilities

UAD gives health service, insurance, health care and drug store. These services can be accessed by the students who need to.

  1. To see a doctor for free (by showing an active student card) at poly clinic of Campus I, II and III. The poly clinics open every work days and hour.
  2. Muhammadiyah Health Care can be used to get health service at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Yogyakarta on KHA Dahlan Street Yogyakarta. The students can access this service by contacting the Bureau of Finance and Asset to get a recommendation letter.
  3. Health Care Charity Facility. The implementation of UAD Health Care Charity for the students is regulated based on the letter from Vice Rector III Number RIII/006/SE/III/2010
  4. The student insurance facility managed by UAD Trasurer cooperates with Jasa Raharja Insurance.
  5. UAD Drug store provides quality drugs to keep the society healthy and give health information. UAD drug store also functions as the community service for pharmacist profession; learning place and media for pharmacist candidates of Pharmacy Faculty UAD; and the job opportunity for the society.

Mosque and Spiritual Guidance

UAD has a mosque in every campus and Islamic center in campus IV. As a Muhammadiyah higher education, UAD has a moral commitment to guide the Islamic spirit of all academic society. Some spiritual and mental guidance activities as follows:

  1. Calling and suggesting to conduct the fardhu and sunnah worship
  2. A monthly preaching for UAD academic society held by the institute of Islamic Study Development
  3. Wednesday Morning Islamic Preaching and Discussion (for students at campus I)
  4. Saturday Morning Islamic Preaching and Discussion (for students at campus I)
  5. Sunday Morning Islamic Preaching and Discussion (coordinated by Campus IV Mosque management)
  6. Al Quran Education school
  7. Sending mubaligh hijrah (hijrah preacher) coordinated by institute of Islamic Study Development and Muhammadiyah Branch Leader of Yogyakarta Special Region
  8. Saturday Morning Islamic preaching for staff at campus I
  9. Ramadhan month in campus

Internet and Computer Facilities

Students can access the internet in all campus area. For students who do not bring notebook, there are some computers provided at some strategic spots.

Student Dormitory

Student dormitory, provided for UAD students, was built with the aid from the Ministry of People Housing, Republic of Indonesia through student dormitory scheme. Located at Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul, student dormitory was built on the 2.1 hectare land consisting of one twin block buildings with the floor large in total is 2,568 square meters. It consists of four floors with 96 units residential including one unit for students with disabilities. Each residential is 21 square meters and can accommodate 3-4 students.


UAD provides two kinds of scholarships those are scholarship for students who have achievement in academic and the ones in organization. Scholarship for students good in academic can be accessed through Academic Achievement Scholarship for New Students, Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship, and Education Fee Aid – Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship.

Students, who have achievement in organization, can access the scholarship from UAD partner banks such as Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank Mandiri Syariah, Bank Pembangunan Daerah Syariah). This scholarship is for students who are active in student organization and actively participate in interest-talent and or scientific events.

Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]uad.ac.id

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