Other Student Activities

There are 3 Student Activities at Ahmad Dahlan University such as Student Community, Student Activity Unit and Student Organization. See other student activities.


UAD has various communities formed by students to hone their talents and interests. There is a community that is formed by the scientific background of each student who is formed because of the penchant for certain interests by each student without looking at the scientific background.
The student community formed based on scientific background is as follows:

  1. Gendhing Bahana (BEM FSBK),
  2. PeBei Theater Group (HMPS English Language Education),
  3. Theater Group 42 (BEM FSBK),
  4. JAB Theater Group (HMPS Indonesian Language and Literature Education),
  5. Theater Group 28 (BEM Faculty of Psychology),
  6. Robotic Development Center (HMPS Electrical Engineering),
  7. ACTION (HMPS Communication Studies).

The student community formed on the basis of hobbies without seeing certain scientific backgrounds is as follows:

  1. Debating Community,
  2. Ahmad Dahlan University Television (TV UAD),
  3. Ahmad Dahlan University Student Radio (RAMADA),
  4. PELITA Student Information and Counseling Center,
  5. Student Information and Counseling Center for MENTARI FRIENDS,
  6. Linux Study Group (KSL),
  7. UAD Informatic Database Club,
  8. MIPA Community of Information System.

Each student community received full support from UAD in the form of assistance to financial support to carry out each activity.


Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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