• Akreditasi B
  • Title & Strata
  • S.Pd. (Sarjana Pendidikan). – Sarjana (S1)
  • Accreditation
  • National Accreditation :
    ❯ Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
    Sk No: 176/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2014
  • Campus
  • Campus 5
    Jalan Ki Ageng Pemanahan No. 19 Sorosutan Yogyakarta 55164

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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University

Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960


The Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia released the data showing that from 2009 to 2014 there were 195.387 teachers of primary, junior high and senior high school retired. The high number of retiring teachers and the better life standard and welfare of teacher profession now days attract the young generation to be primary school teachers. Therefore, Primary School Teacher Education study program UAD was established in 2011. The graduates hold Bachelor of Education.


Become a superior, capable, competitive and innovative study program in research and technology-based learning in the field of basic education and Islamic values


  1. Organizing academic and professional programs based on Islamic values
  2. Develop various innovative and creative learning strategies for basic education
  3. Carrying out research in the educational field of science is mainly related to basic education
  4. Organizing expert service programs for the community, especially in basic education, including increasing awareness of the environment
  5. Expanding learning opportunities in universities, especially in primary school teacher education

The Graduate Competency

1. The Prominent Competency

The graduates understand the characteristics of primary school learners, including the learning styles, pre-capability, learning difficulties, society and family background to determine the learning need of primary school learners in the context of culture diversity. In addition, the graduates also have capability in designing, conducting and evaluating the educative learning process referring to the whole education aim achievement.

2. Supporting Competency

The graduates have supporting characters as primary school teachers and highly hold the teacher ethical code based on the Teacher and Lecturer Act. In addition, the graduates also have knowledge, skills, values and attitude to conduct and manage the teaching and learning process at primary schools, and can conduct researches in the field of education especially in the primary school level.

3. Specific Competency

The graduates have understanding on the concept of long life learning and the implementation in the social learning, have good characters and personality, master the information technology and can utilize it in developing sustainable professionalism.


There are nine lecturers holding master degree that graduated from Indonesian universities such as UGM, UNS and UNS, and are expertise in the fields of primary education, natural science education, social science education, curriculum development, and character education.

Supporting Facilities

The lecture is supported by number of facilities such as classrooms with LCD and audio visual, library, sport field, parking lot, mosque, cooperation, IT Center, canteen, and WIFI area. In addition, there are also micro teaching laboratory, digital laboratory, instructional laboratory, center for interest and talent consultation, center of guidance and counseling, student association room, and student cassava meatball canteen.

Student Achievement

Some student Achievements are:

  1. The champion of University Student Creativity Program for Creation Work program held by Directorate of Higher Education 2013 with the prize of Rp 9.000.000. The work entitled “Holiday at Jogja: Integrated Learning based Reality Comic as the Media for Primary School Student Character Education”, on behalf of Andrias Gautgama, Presna Dwi Prihantora, Kurniawan Milia Saputra and Fajar Esti Kuncoro.
  2. The champion of University Student Creativity Program for Entrepreneurship program held by Directorate of Higher Education 2013 with the prize of Rp 8.500.000. The work entitled Baksong Saus Tempe (Cassava Meatball with Soya bean Cake Sauce), on behalf of Tri Astuti and team.
  3. The runner up of Educative Learning media competition held by Early Childhood – Primary School Teacher Education UAD on June 24, 2012, on behalf of Afi Nur Afiani, Ariningtyas Sekar P, dan Cuci Hastuti.


More information about Ahmad Dahlan University Primary School Teacher Education Study Program through the website below.


Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.

Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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