Entries by webmaster

Caring for the Environment, UAD PBS Students Organize a Beach Cleanup

S1 students of the Sharia Banking (PBS) Study Program of the Faculty of Education and Islamic Studies of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (FAI UAD) and Postgraduate students of English Language Education (PBI) of UAD, in collaboration with the Centre of Tourism & Creative Business (COTRES) of UAD, conducted a clean-up activity in mangrove area in the […]

93 Teams Participate in UAD National Robot Contest

Electrical Engineering Student Association (HMTE) and Robotic Development Community (RDC) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) held Ahmad Dahlan Robotic Competition (ADRC) of 2018. This National Robot Contest on SD-SMA/K level has entered its seventh year, since it was held in 2011. “The activity was attended by 93 robotic teams, including 27 elementary schools and 66 […]

Flooded with Ideas in the Final Project Exhibition (FiPEx) of 2018

Final Project Exhibition (FiPEx) of 2018 successfully attracted the enthusiasm of students and the general public at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). FiPEx of 2018 is an event aimed for exhibiting the work of students of Information System Study Program of UAD in the form of product applications, prototypes, and posters. These works are the result […]

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