Pimpinan Universitas

Dr. Kasiyarno M.Hum

Rector Ahmad Dahlan University

As a Lecturer in the English Language Education Study Program. He teaches American Society, Religion and Ethnic courses in America, Cross-Cultural Understanding. Born in Sleman on December 3, 1953. Bachelor of English Language and Literature Education was obtained from Yogyakarta State University in 1982, won the Master of Humanities degree in the American Studies Program of the University of Gadjah Mada in 1995. Doctoral in the field of American Studies in Gadjah Mada University in 2013. Active organizing both in the corporate environment and in the world of education. He has been serving the Chancellor of Ahmad Dahlan University for two periods now and as chairman of the APTISI Region V until 2019.

Dr. H. Muchlas, M.T.

Vice rector for consolidation and academic quality improvement (VR I)

As a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering and Master of Vocational Education at Ahmad Dahlan University for the subjects of Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Microprocessor Based Systems, and Learning Technology Education & Vocational Strategies. Born in Kebumen on February 18, 1962. The Bachelor of Physics Education was obtained from Yogyakarta State University in 1986, and the Engineering Masters was obtained from the Electrical Engineering study program at Gadjah Mada University in 1998. The doctorate in Technology and Vocational Education was won from Yogyakarta State University in 2013.

Drs. Safar Nasir, M.Si.

Vice Rector for Resources Management (VR II)

As a lecturer in the S1 Development Economics Study Program by teaching courses in Regional Economics, Natural Resources and Environment Economics, and Banking Management, Active as a Lecturer in Ahmad Dahlan University since January 1, 1996. Born in Pare Pare on June 17, 1966. Bachelor of Education Outside School was obtained from Yogyakarta State University in 1992 and a Masters in Economics from the Postgraduate Program of Gadjah Mada University in 2002. Besides being active in teaching organizations to serve the community, among them were Secretary of ISEI, Deputy of BKSPTIS Funding, President Commissioner of BPRS and many more.

Drs. Safar Nasir, M.Si.

Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Empowerment (VR III)

As a lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Becoming a Permanent Lecturer at Ahmad Dahlan University since January 1996. The subjects taught are Smart Systems and System Signals. Born in Pati on July 10, 1967. He holds the academic title of the Chancellor in the field of Electrical Sciences. He holds a doctorate from Universiti Teknologi in 2006. He holds a Master’s degree in Engineering in the Electrical Engineering study program of Gadjah Mada University in 2000 and a Bachelor of Physics was obtained from Gadjah Mada University in 1992.

Prof. Dr. Sarbiran

Vice Rector for Cooperation and International Affairs (VR IV)

As a lecturer in the Postgraduate Program in the Education Management Study program by teaching courses in the Integrated Education Quality Management System. The Bachelor of Education degree was achieved at the Yogyakarta State Teachers’ Training College in 1973. The Master of Education was won from Sam Houston State University in 1983. He earned a doctorate from The Ohio State University in 1988. Born in Yogyakarta, February 7, 1944. University Professor Yogyakarta State with Vocational Education and Technology Expertise. Joined as a permanent lecturer at Ahmad Dahlan University since 2009.

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