Welcome to Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Welcome to Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta Indonesia. It is privilege to welcome you to our university, a place where intelligence and moralty work and blend in harmony under a strong academic atmosphere. Our vision is to produce intellectuals who have high morality so that they can spread positive effects to both their own lives and larger society where they live as well.

Study in Ahmad Dahlan University

At Ahmad Dahlan University you will find a spacious and comfortable study room to deepen your knowledge. Let’s Join at Ahmad Dahlan University to get a learning experience. International Programs offer various degrees, please check in full here.

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Find our cooperation


DARMASISWA is a scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia. The scholarship allows international students to study Bahasa Indonesia, arts, music and crafts.

Bahasa Indonesia for Foreigner

BIPA or Bahasa Indonesia for Foreigners is a course program at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD). BIPA of UAD was established in 2011 by the request of foreign students who study at UAD

International Exchange Programs

UAD has been collaborating with government, industries and research organizations on community services and research development. UAD’s partners include Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), University of Malaya (UM) and more

Why Study at UAD?

There are many reasons for you to choose Ahmad Dahlan University, a campus in the heart of Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta has been known as a city of education, tourism and culture. Yogyakarta is also popular with many world-class tourist destinations such as temples, palaces, tourist villages, and beautiful nature

Get a comfortable atmosphere

Get a comfortable atmosphere in learning to increase motivation and develop talent while studying at UAD

Campus Facilities

To maintain the quality of education, UAD provides educational facilities that are easily accessible to all academics

Beauty around UAD

Known as a culture as well as student city, Yogyakarta is a good reason to go to enhance knowledge, skills, and experience. Here is some facst on Yogyakarta.

Immigration Procedure

For foreign students who want to study in Indonesia, we suggest them to apply Social Cultural Visit Visa /Visa Kunjungan Sosial Budaya (VKSB) issued by the Indonesian Embassy or consulates in their respective countries. VKSB is given only for two (2) months and may be extended up to six (6) months.

Conversion Application

Conversion is the change in status from VKSB to KITAS and can only be arranged at the Immigration Office in Jakarta through regional Immigration Office.

To apply for KITAS, a Study Permit is required. To get a Study Permit, the students need to submit the following documents to Directorate of Higher Education through Office of International Affairs:

  1. Certificate / Recommendation from UAD
  2. Photocopy of passport (all pages, including pages VKSB extension).
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letter of Statement (students will not work and not join any political activities while studying in Indonesia)
  5. Photographs 3×4 and 4×6 (4 pieces each, red background)
  6. Health Certificate
  7. Photocopy of ID card
  8. Photocopy of Bank account last 3 months
  9. High School Diploma and transcript

Conversion decree issued by the Central Immigration Office will be sent to the student for the purpose of KITAS application.

Permit Application / KITAS

Permit Application / KITAS is managed by the student him/herself at the local Immigration Office by submitting the above Decree Conversion.

Extension KITAS Application

Extension KITAS Application can only do when there is a new student permit from the Department of Education or the Religion Department of Indonesia to apply for KITAS extension. The students must submit the following documents at least four (4) months before study permit ending:

  1. Photocopy of KITAS
  2. Photocopy of passport (including pages Permits extension)
  3. CV
  4. Photocopy of the Study Permit
  5. Letter of Statement (students will not work and not join any political activities while studying in Indonesia)
  6. Photographs (passport size) 3×4 and 4×6 (2 pieces each, red background)
  7. Signs Letter Report on Police (STM)
  8. Health certificate
  9. Photocopy of Student Card
  10. Photocopy of Last Transcript
  11. Letter of application and guarantee from UAD

Multiple Exit Reentry Permit Application / MERP

This application is included in the KITAS functioning to return to their states, have vacation in other countries or for other reasons. This application is issued at the local immigration office.

Need help?

For further information, please contact international office of UAD.

OIA UAD Office Hours

Monday to Thursday : 08.00 – 14.00
Friday : 08.00 – 11.00
Saturday : 08.00 – 13.00

Online Contact

Telp : +62274-563515 (Ext-1193) FB : OIA UAD
Fax : +62274-564604 Twitter : @oiauad
E-mail : oia[at] Youtube : OIA UAD
Web :

Office of International Affairs

The international cooperation that has been built by UAD is in the form of double degree programs, student exchanges, lecturer exchanges, research collaboration, exchange of academic publication materials, cooperation in international training and seminars.
Until the beginning of 2016, it was noted that UAD has had a massive international collaboration with countries that have good traditions in the development of knowledge and technology such as the Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Japan, Korea, China, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia and New Zaeland.
Office of International Affairs
Campus 1 Ahmad Dahlan University
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
E : oia[at]

Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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