Rector Greeting

Rector Greeting

I, representing the academic society of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, proudly introduce you to our university, one of Muhammadiyah Higher Educations in Yogyakarta. Since its first operation as a B1 course of Muhammadiyah Education in 1956 then became Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in 1960 and Institute of Teacher Training and Education in 1972 then officially was changed into Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in 1994, we have been strivingto be one of the best universities in Indonesia and to be on par with other universities at international level.

To achieve the goal, UAD always improves its servicesso as to provide comfortable place to study for students. Various collaborations have also been developed including cooperation with other educational institutions, research institutions, government, non-governmental institutions, and industries, both at national and international level. through the cooperation, it is expected that students can get optimal study result, which is precisely the aim of education in Muhammadiyah, “To create a Muslim who is pious to one and only God; who possess noble character; who are skillful, confident in developing and improving the knowledge and skill, and strives to create the civilized, just, and prosperous society blessed by Allah SWT.

To be a world class university, UAD always improves in all aspects and develops international cooperation. Alhamdulillah, many distinguished universities from various countries are enthusiastic about cooperating with UAD. To date, UAD has established cooperation with a large number of countries such as The Netherlands, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Japan, South Korea, China, The Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and distinguished universities in USA such as University of Minnesota, Northern Illionis University, The Ohio State University and The University of Texas at San Antonio.

In addition, the number of international students studying at UAD always increases year by year. creating an interesting academic atmosphere conducive to building intercultural awareness and developing multiple perspectives. So far UAD has been home to hundreds of international students from various countries such as The Netherlands, England, Belgium, Hungary, Spain, Uzbekistan, Egypt, India, Japan, Korea, China, the Philippines, Malaysia and Timor Leste.

Our university offers a wide range of courses at various faculties and study programs. There are also various discussion forumswhich every student can select to suit their individual interest. This gives opportunities for the students to enrich knowledge and research experience at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

To develop t, students’ interest, the service quality provided for by the campus aligns well with the cultures of Yogyakarta as a conducive education city. UAD campus is located in the heart of Yogyakarta city, providing students with easy access to public facilities. eases the students to access various public facilities provided to support the study.

UAD now has 10 faculties with 30 undergraduate study programs. For the postgraduate program, UAD has 7 master programs: Psychology Science Postgraduate, Psychology Profession Postgraduate, Physics Education Postgraduate, English Education Postgraduate, Pharmacy Postgraduate, Education Management Postgraduate and Information Technology Postgraduate Program. All instructional activities are conducted in five campus locations. Each campus is equipped with online computers and some Wi-Fi spots to facilitate students in monitoring the academic needs independently.

To support the continuity of education and teaching management at UAD, an Academic Guidance Book is used as a source of information for the academic society of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan and wider society.

Dr. Kasiyarno, M.Hum


Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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