Child and Family Education Center

ChiFEC (Child and Family Education Center) is a center established on 11 January 2014 Through the decree of UAD Rector no 3, 2013, ChiFEC was officially acknowledged and established under the coordination and evaluation of LPP UAD. ChiFEC was founded to examine and develop various issues pertaining to child and familiy education in the context of Indonesia. It focuses on informal child and family education

Center of Astronomy

Center for Astronomy Study focuses on the development of studies and research in astronomy. The center  has actively engaged in astronomy studies and research since January 2014  when it was officially established through the decree of Head of  LPP UAD No L.1/182/I.0/XI/2013 and the Rector’s decree SK Rektor UAD No 2 2014.  It has woked in collaboration with  different study programs within UAD and external institutions both in Indonesia and overseas with a focus on developing observational methods and astronomy learning. Part of this endeavour is to build an observatorium at UAD campus 4 to help accelerate the development of the center.

Center for Dug Information and Testing

Drug abuse prevalence in Indonesia is increasing every year with most of the victims being school and university students. Based on the data, drug users in Indonesia reached 4 million in 2011, about one third of the users were introduced to drugs through smoking. To our alarm, a high number of students in Indonesia, including Yogya,  are active smokers. Drugs abuse may lead to the spread of HIV-AIDS through free sex behaviour. The National Drug Beureu had rehabiltated as many as 34.467 drug users through medical and social rehabilitation at both government and non government-run rehabilitation centers. Therefore, through PIKO, UAD takes an active part in the campaign against drug abuse by socializing harmful effect of drug consumption.

Center of Appropriate Technology Development

Center of Appropriate Technology Development was established in 2013 as a medium to stimulate research aimed at developing appropriate technology. The research focuses on applied technology for small scale industries.

Center For Environmental Study and Disaster Management

PSLPB UAD is a center for research, training and social services in enviromental and disaster management

Center for National Policy Analysis

The are some reasons underlying the founding of Center for National Policy Analysis:

  1. National policies have yet to be integrated into a national management system to accomplish a goal
  2. A high number of policies tend to be partial and ego-sectoral centered
  3. Some national policies have been found to serve certain group interest instead of representing the best interest of the nation.

Center for Occupational Safety and Health Studies

The Center for Occupational Safety and Health Studies (PS-K3) UAD was established on March 30, 2013 based on the Decree of the Chancellor of UAD Number 100/2013 PS-K3 UAD. Operates with self-financing / self-financing (does not submit a budget to the university) and has an entrepreneurial principle.

The PS-K3 was established departing from the idea that the rapid development of industrialization could pose a risk for the occurrence of workers’ status degradation and various labor problems. The need for the development of a study (research) in the field of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) in universities which is still rare is also the background of the establishment of this study center.

Mobile Technology Inovation Center

MoTIC (Mobile Technology Innovation Center) is a UAD study center that is created to develop and produce business-oriented or commercial IT products, especially smartphones / mobile technology and websites.

Center for Integrated Research and Innovation

CIRNOV (Center for Integrated Research and Innovation) is a study center at UAD that has the main activities of conducting research (including making research tools, testing tools and running) and publishing scientific papers (focused on the international publications, IPR). The research fields include Sensors and Optical Technologies.

Center for Women’s Studies

As a university that has responsibility for gender issues that develop in the community, then in 1999 Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) established the Women’s Study Center (PSW) through the UAD Rector’s Decree Number 032 of 1999 as an effort to participate in realizing the achievement of gender equality in society.

Centre of Tourism and Creative Business

CoTRES (Center of Tourism and Creative Business) is a study center established in 2014 under the coordination of the Research and Development Institute (LPP) of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta. This institution was born as an effort of the academic community to help support the development of tourism in the academic realm. CoTRES seeks to play an indirect role in tourism development through studies, training, seminars or other conceptually strategic programs that can increase the attractiveness of tourism in Yogyakarta while seeking creative economic business opportunities in it.


Institute for Research and Community Service of Ahmad Dahlan University (LPPM UAD). LPPM UAD coordinates, monitors, evaluates, and disseminates information relating to the implementation of research activities of lecturers and manages the resources needed in conducting research and publication of research results. The LPPM UAD also carries out research activities that are institutional and Muhammadiyah development.


To be a superior institution in the field of research and community service of a national level and internationally known, based on human values and Islam for the welfare of mankind.


  1. Developing competent and competitive human resources (lecturers and students) in the field of community research and development
  2. Developing research, technology, art and social engineering in accordance with the needs of the community based on human values and Islam
  3. Develop information dissemination and technology transfer at local, national and international levels
  4. Develop good LPPM management


  1. The realization of competent and competitive human resources (lecturers and students) in the field of community research and development
  2. The realization of research, technology, art and social engineering programs in accordance with the needs of the community based on humanity and Islamic values
  3. The implementation of information dissemination and technology transfer at the local, national and international levels
  4. The realization of good LPPM management


  1. Preparing UAD lecturers to become reliable, productive and quality researchers
  2. Prepare UAD lecturers who have the ability to develop the community,
  3. Preparing UAD lecturers who have the ability to compile publication texts as a follow-up to research results,
  4. Prepare UAD students who have the ability to develop the community,
  5. Introducing the research results of UAD lecturers / students to the community and institutions / institutions outside of UAD as a means of collaborative research and development networks.
  6. Expand the network of research collaboration with outside institutions UAD (MSMEs, Industry, government institutions, companies, etc.).
  7. Prepare LPPM as a research information center (Research Information Center)
  8. Directing and improving research orientation in UAD that is applicable, product oriented (soft and hard), can produce other Patent and IPR Rights
  9. Directing the results of research activities towards gradual service based on the results of research.
  10. Helping UAD as a nationally recognized National Research University.


More information about the Ahmad Dahlan University Research and Community Service Institute through the website below.

Institute for Research & Community Service

Jl. Gondosuli No. 1B Semaki Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta
Telp. 0274-542886
Fax. 0274-542886
Email : lppm[at]

Research Guide

Guide to Internal and External Research of the Institute for Research and Community Service of Ahmad Dahlan University. Read the complete information

Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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