• Akreditasi B
  • Title & Strata
  • S.S. (Sarjana Sastra). – Sarjana (S1)
  • Accreditation
  • National Accreditation :
    ❯ Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
    Sk No: 377/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2014
  • Campus
  • Main Campus
    Jalan Ring Road Selatan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul Yogyakarta 55166

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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University

Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960


Indonesian Literature Study Program, established on August 1, 1997, prepares the excellent graduates in the fields of Literature and Linguistics. Literature in Indonesia has been the inseparable part of the education. Therefore, the need of the scholars who are expertise in the fields of media, publishing and education always increases. There are three concentrations in the study program: journalistic, culture and drama. The students can choose the subjects according to their interest. Besides, the independency is also emphasized in the lecture, so that the students can explore their own potency to create works through the subjects they take. The graduates hold Bachelor of Literature.


In 2022 it became a study program that was able to compete at national and international levels in the fields of language, literature, and Indonesian culture based on moral and Islamic values



  1. Organizing superior quality education that is able to compete at national and international levels in the fields of language, literature, and Indonesian culture based on moral and Islamic values
  2. Organizing research that can contribute to the development of linguistic, literary, and Indonesian culture
  3. Organizing services to the public in the fields of discussion, literature, and Indonesian culture
  4. Organizing cooperation with domestic and foreign institutions relating to the development, language, literature, and culture of Indonesia

The Graduate Prospects

Compiler of reports, compilers of speeches at Government Offices, lecturers, researchers, writers, journalists, translators, editors / editors of books / newspapers / magazines both within and outside the country. Quite a number of foreign countries have opened Indonesian language majors, both in elementary, secondary and tertiary schools.


The prominent competency involves three aspects:

1.  Intellectual Aspect

  • To have knowledge and understanding on the fields of Indonesian language, literature, and culture, including the dynamics and the development.
  • To have knowledge and understanding on the research methodology of Indonesian language, literature and culture.
  • To have understanding and knowledge on scientific and popular work writing technique, in addition understanding and knowledge on journalistic and editing.

2. Affective and Attitude Aspect

  • To be proud of Indonesian language
  • To have curiosity on the dynamic of Indonesian language, literature and culture development.
  • To support the inter-disciplines approach in the Indonesian language, literature and culture study.
  • To have sensitivity towards positive and negative impacts of the use of the language and the literary work in the society.

3. Skill Aspect

  • To be skillful in communication both orally and written by using the good and correct Indonesian language.
  • To be skillful to apply the concept and theory of Indonesian linguistics and literature.
  • To be skillful to create literary works in forms of prose or poem.
  • To be able to edit the scientific or popular work and the literary scripts.


The study program is supported by expert lecturers in the fields of Indonesian literature consisting of one professor and six lecturers holding master degree who graduated from highly regarded universities in Indonesia such as UGM, UNDIP and UNY. Each lecturer has different competency such as literature, culture or linguistics.

Supporting Facilities

The supporting facilities are classroom with air-Cond, LCD, online computers, online library, computer laboratory, multimedia laboratory, language laboratory, studio, various journal collection, and student activities such as 42 Theatre community, Gending Bahana (gamelan instruments community), and other student activities.

Student Achievement

Some student Achievements are:

  1. The publishing of Knight Survivor I and Knight Survivor II the novel in 2011 and 2012, on behalf of Edi Kurniawan
  2. The publishing of Poem Anthology entitled “Towards A Quiet Corridor” 2012 as a joint work between students and alumni of Indonesian Literature Study Program
  3. The publishing of “Dedicating ourselves: About A Twilight Journey” the book as the champion of a competition held by Leutika Publisher in 2013, on behalf of Eko Nugroho


More information about the Indonesian Literature Study Program at Ahmad Dahlan University through the website below.


Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.

Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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