• Akreditasi B
  • Title & Strata
  • S.Si. (Sarjana Sains). – Sarjana (S1)
  • Accreditation
  • National Accreditation :
    ❯ Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
    SK BAN-PT No. 1683/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VIII/2016
  • Campus
  • Main Campus
    Jalan Ring Road Selatan, Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul Yogyakarta 55166

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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University

Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960


The maths program is designed to high quality math education to students. Students enrolling for this program are not only introduced to basic maths skills but also have a chance to get knowledge about applied maths in different areas. This includes the integration of maths into problem solving process in different areas such as industries, engineering, biology, health, science, business, and economics through computer-assisted simulation. It is therefore of paramount importance that students possess the knowledge and expertise in computer simulation based maths models and have the ability to analyze and communicate simulation outcomes to other people. The program is concentrated on maths and scientific computation. Scientific computation integrates tools, methods, and theories into maths model with the use of computer simulation. Scientific computation covers modelling, simulation, and analysis into phenomena in science and engineering through computation. Graduates of this program are entitled to an academic degree Sarjana Sains (S.Si.).


Being a study program that excels in mastering mathematics and scientific computing which is of global quality based on moral and Islamic values.


  1. Organizing academic programs in mathematics with quality practicum.
  2. Conducting research in the field of Mathematics and its application to the development of science and technology, and improving the scientific competence of lecturers and students.
  3. Providing services to the community in the fields of mathematics and computing.
  4. Cooperating with other parties in the implementation of education, research and community service.


  1. Produce mathematical scholars who master mathematics and computing well based on Islamic moral and values.
  2. Produce research that is useful for the development of mathematics and its applications.
  3. Contributing in solving various problems in society and developing science and technology.
  4. Develop a collaborative network to improve the quality of the Tri Dharma of higher education.

Graduates Prospects

Graduate profiles can be grouped into 3 categories namely scholars (lecturers, teachers, researchers), managers ( bank, goverment institutions, state-owned companies (BUMN), insurance, industries), and entrepreneurs ( consultant, educatinal institutions, IT).


Graduates are highly competent in the area of maths and scientific computation with entreprenurship knowledge, spirit and skills so that they can compete in labour market or create opportunities for employement. They have a holistic understanding of maths concept, are capable of engaging in deductive, inductive, logical and analytical thinking in a systematic and well-structured manner in understanding problems and offering solutins.

Teaching staff

The teaching staff include 1 professor, 5 lecturers with doctoral qualifications, 8 lecturers with master degree, and 1 lecturer in the process of completing doctoral study. They are graduates from both domestic and overseas education such as UGM, ITB, UMT and  UTHM Malaysia, with specialization in Analysis, applied statistics, Statistics, Applied maths, Aljebra, and Soft Computing.

Supporting facilities

In this program, the academic activities are supported with facilities such as LCD fitted classrooms, Computation Lab, and Statistical Data Analysis. The library is equipped with digital library, ( and free internet access. Different scholarships such as Bidikmisi, BBM, PPA, supersemar, beasiswa bank rekanan UAD are also available to support students academic engagement.

Students Achievement

  1. Postgraduate Scholarship (S2) at UMT Malaysia for Nursyiva Irsalinda dan Ika Nur Afiati
  2. Second Winner Maths Olympiad, Kopertis V 2010 by Tamara Hoya Bella
  3. Third Winner Maths Olympiads  Kopertis V 2010 by Bangkit Satria Utama


More information about Ahmad Dahlan University’s Mathematics Study Program through the website below.


Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.

Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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