• Akreditasi B
  • Title & Strata
  • S.Pd. (Sarjana Pendidikan). – Sarjana (S1)
  • Accreditation
  • National Accreditation :
    ❯ Akreditasi B (BAN-PT)
    Sk No: 1122/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2015
  • Campus
  • Main Campus
    Jalan Ahmad Yani (Ringroad Selatan) Tamanan Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta 55166
  • SK & Accreditation Certificate

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PMB Information
Ahmad Dahlan University

Telp. (0274) 563515
Hotline PMB
S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960


The vision of Mathematics Education study program is to be an excellent and Islamic study program in creating human resources who are intellectual, independent, highly competitive in global era, adaptive towards the sciences and technology development and professional in the field of Mathematics education. Therefore, the study program works hard to improve the quality of the graduates, so it can create competent and competitive graduates in the work market. The number of students from year to year always increases. They come from almost all provinces in Indonesia. The graduates hold Bachelor of Education.


Becoming a reliable and Islamic study program in producing human resources, independent, highly competitive, in the global era, quickly adapted to the development of science and technology and professionals in mathematics education.


  1. Islamic academic and professional education in the field of mathematics education.
  2. Research and development of mathematics education that is useful in improving the standard of living of humans and national development.
  3. Community service through disseminating the results of research and engineering in the field of mathematics education.
  4. Mutually beneficial cooperation with other parties, both at home and abroad to advance mathematics education.
  5. Organizational and management structuring based on Information and Communication Technology, as well as academic guidance towards efficiency and work effectiveness.

The Graduate Competency

1. Pedagogic

  • To understand and master the method and the technique in Mathematics Educational instruction.
  • To understand the Mathematics principal, inquiry procedure, and skillful in creating learning experience that makes the mathematics aspects become meaningful for every learner.
  • To understand the relation between curriculum and instructional, and lesson plan according to the knowledge of teaching material, technology and curriculum availability.

2. Professional

To understand the main concept of Mathematics and its application in the other disciplines and in the daily life.

  • To understand and master mathematic sciences and applied mathematics.
  • To understand the meaning of experience reflection and sustainably evaluate the effect of choosing a teaching method to develop the professionalism.

3. Social

  • To understand the individual, group, and custom, and create the learning media that gives positive social interaction, develops active learning, and self-motivation.
  • To understand the learners learning and developing, provide the learning opportunity that supports the intellectual, social and personal development.
  • To understand the strategy of standard and alternative marking, and skillful to evaluate the knowledge, skills, and disposition to ensure the sustainable intellectual and social development of the learners.

4. Islamic Characters

  • The graduates understand Islam and Muhammadiyah
  • The graduates can recite Koran well
  • The graduates have Islamic personality, good character, and all are reflected in the daily life attitude according to Islamic way of life of Muhammadiyah members

5. Technology

  • To understand and master computation, mathematics instructional software
  • To apply the Information and Communication Technology based Mathematics instruction


There are four doctors and 18 lecturers holding master degree that graduated from national and international universities and have various fields of Mathematics skills.

Supporting Facilities

The lecture is supported by classrooms with LCD and audio visual, library, mosque, canteen, parking lot, and WIFI area. In addition, there are also Mathematics Education laboratories to conduct some activities such as the training of basic computer and Mathematics Instructional software, creating multimedia instruction, creating educative learning media, studying research instruments, and statistical data analysis for research.

Student Achievement

Some student Achievements are:

  1. Tera Riang Gumanti as the second runner up of Mathematics and Natural Science Olympiad held by Coordinator for Private Higher Education Region V Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2007.
  2. Nur Ikawati as the third runner up of Mathematics and Natural Science Olympiad held by Coordinator for Private Higher Education Region V Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2010
  3. Prasetya as the third runner up of Mathematics and Natural Science Olympiad held by Coordinator for Private Higher Education Region V Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2012.
  4. Muhammad Nur Bintoro as the runner up of Pertamina National Science Olympiad for Mathematics at Special Region of Yoyakarta level in 2012


More information about the Ahmad Dahlan University Mathematics Education Study Program through the website below.


Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.

Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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