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Ahmad Dahlan University

Telp. (0274) 563515
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S1 – 0853-8500-1960
S2 – 0878-3827-1960


With the Increasing Development of Science and Technology, the Need to Overtake English by Indonesian Nations, Especially Intellectuals and Intellectual Candidates (Students and Students), Looks More Real. This Is Caused By The Status Or Position Of English In The World At This Time. English is one of the biggest languages ​​in the world that is used as a communication language both oral and written. In the Era of Globalization, the Position of English Is Increasingly Strengthening As The Language Is Used In All Areas Such As:
Science and Technology, Communication, Politics, Economics, Trade, Banking, Culture, Art, and Film.

For the Indonesian nation, English is the first foreign language that must be studied and mastered by students and students. English, which was originally taught from grade 1 junior high school, is now starting to be introduced in elementary schools (SD) since class 4, and even some schools that have established begin to teach English to their students since they were sitting in class 1. The problem in the field Is the gap between the expectations of the Indonesian people who are getting stronger in mastering English well and the availability of human resources (HR) among others capable of thinking strategically, being able to do
Planning, Problem Solving, and Actions Actively So That It Created a Kind of Bridge to Immediately Perform Improvement and Quality Improvement of Teaching English in Indonesia. Given the Importance of Both External and Internal English, Ahmad Dahlan University Needs to Participate in Preparing Teachers with Masters Degree in English Language Teaching who are able to: (1) Critical and Comprehensive Thinking, ( 2) Conducting Strategic Planning which includes: Selection, Making Ranking or Priority, and Presentation of Teaching Materials, (3) Problem Solving, (4) Evaluation, and (5) Contextualization with the Development and Needs of Communities and Markets.


Becoming a superior Study Program in the field of integrative English Language Learning (ELT) based on research and technology based on Islamic values and global insight


  1. Organizing and developing integrated English Language Education and Learning (ELT) based on linguistic, literary, and cultural sciences in academic settings that uphold Islamic values.
  2. Organizing research activities and writing scientific papers that are relevant to the teaching and learning of English (ELT) so that they can produce up-to-date and applicable findings for the wider community
  3. Organizing and developing social and fire services to the public in the field of education and English Language Learning (ELT) through collaboration with stakeholders.


  1. Produce graduates who excel in the field of English Education that are relevant to development needs and communities that are capable of carrying out social changes and community values.
  2. Produce graduates who are able to develop knowledge, produce academic work and findings that are meaningful and weighty and useful for humanity.
  3. Produce graduates who are capable of conducting research that can strengthen their expertise in English Language Learning (ELT) so that they are able to meet the demands of the market or society today.
  4. Produce scientists and practitioners who are professional in English Language Learning (ELT) that are rooted in linguistics, literature and culture and have the ability to apply their knowledge and expertise to other fields that are allied or outside of their families, both elementary, secondary and higher education. 


More information about the Ahmad Dahlan University English Education Masters Program through the website below.


Ahmad Dahlan University has twelve faculties. Each faculty consists of several study programs that specifically study their respective fields of science.

Contact us

Kampus 1 (Kantor Pusat)
Jl. Kapas 9, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55166
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email : info[at]

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