
The are some reasons underlying the founding of Center for National Policy Analysis:

  • National policies have yet to be integrated into a national management system to accomplish a goal
  • A high number of policies tend to be partial and ego-sectoral centered
  • Some national policies have been found to serve certain group interest instead of representing the best interest of the nation.

Vision, Mission and Strategy


To become a credible institution capable of producing  innovative ideas in the area of national policies and creating  a synergy among different elements in society to make the best use of the nation’s potentials through research.


  1. To produce an analysis on a wide range of national policies in order to increase the nation’s competitive power
  2. To provide all parties with relevant assistance in utilizing the nation’s potentials and advantages.


  1. Doing research on policies at different levels of administration and regions as well as disseminate reearch findings through seminars and well-reputed journals.
  2. Facilitating discussions on current issues,  identifying problems and working out possible solutions and disseminate  results of discussion through relevant media
  3. Making recommendations for the integration of regional and national capacity to perpetuate national development in many areas.
  4. Establishing mutually rewarding partnership with different parties for the betterment of the nation through collaborative programs.


  1. Discussion on Innovation for Regional Development in collaboration with Beureu for Research and Development (Balitbang ) South Sumatra, conducted in Palembang.
  2. Initiating Digital TV consortium in collaboration with Bureau for Research and Development, Central Java Province, Semarang.
  3. Designing a guideline book for ABG forum in collaboration with Ministry of Research and Technology
  4. Policies Research : Integrating Research into Industrial Value Chain in collaboration with Ministry of Research and Technology in Jakarta
  5. Coordinating  a network of researchers in West Java in collaboration with Ministry of Research and Technology, West Java Bureau for Research and Development in Bandung.  
  6. Coordinating  a network of researchers in Central Java in collaboration with Ministry of Research and Technology, Central Java Bureau for Research and Development in Semarang.
  7. Coordinating  a network of researchers in East Java in collaboration with Ministry of Research and Technology, East Java Bureau for Research and Development in Surabaya.


  1. Peningkatan kapasitas kelembagaan pusat studi bermitra dengan Kemenristek
  2. Pelatihan pengembangan roadmap industri daerah bermitra dengan Pemda
  3. Pelatihan teknik analisis dan pengembangan strategi inovasi bermitra dengan Pemda
  4. Peningkatan keterampilan IT masyarakat bermitra dengan Dinas-dinas
  5. Peningkatan Kualitas Pengambilan Keputusan Tingkat Daerah bermitra dengan Pemda.