
Center for Research and Development Ahmad Dahlan University (LPP UAD) was established on 18 October 1991 through the decree by the Rector of IKIP Muhammadiyah No 60, 1991, later renewed in the UAD statute based on the Rector’s Decree no 001 2001. The Center coordinates, supervises, assesses and disseminates information relating to research activities conducted by lecturers as well as manage resources for research activities and publication of research findings . LPP also encourages research activities aimed at developing institutions and Muhammadiyah organizations.

Vision and mission

The vision of LPP is to become a national research center and internationally recognized, reliable and independent in research particularly in the development and utilization of science and technology and culture for the welfare of human beings founded on humanity and islamic values. The mission of LPP UAD is: (1) to improve and develop teachers competence and quality in research activities (2) to develop flagship research products to be optimally used for the empowerment and wellfare of society (3) to increase the quantity and quality of research relevant to UAD mission, Medium Term Development Plan of DIY and National  Long Term Development Plan (RPJP) (4) to enhance and establish internal and external networking and cooperation with both government and private  institutions (5) to upgrade the teaching staff’ s competence in producing more diverse research findings for scientific publications, textbooks, appropriate technology and more intellectual property rights (6) to promote self-reliance through institutional research oriented toward quality and the ability to compete at both national and international level.

LPP is supported by different centers for multi-discipline studies :

LPP UAD didukungoleh 15 PusatStudidalamberbagaibidangkajian :

  1. Centers for environmental study and disaster Management (PSLPB)
  2. Center for Integrated Research and Innovation (CIRNOV)
  3. Center for Women Study (PSW)
  4. Center for Social Dynamics Study(PSDS)
  5. Center for School Quality Development Study (PSPMS)
  6. Center for National Policy Analysis Study (PS SIJAKNAS)
  7. Mobile Technology Inovation Center (MOTIC)
  8. Children and Family Education Center (CIVAQ)
  9. Center for Applied Physics Study (PUSFIT)
  10. Center for Astronomy (PASTRON)
  11. Center for Appropriate Technology Development  (PPTTG)
  12. Center for Wrok Safety and Health Study (PS-K3)
  13. Center forTourism and Creative Business (COTRESS)
  14. Ahmad Dahlan Drug Information and Carises Center (ADDICC)
  15. Center for Intellectual Property Rights  HKI (HakKekayaanIntelektual).


To ensure the sustainability of research activitities, UAD makes use of different research schemes made available both by the central government such as Ministry of Education (Kemendiknas), Ministry of Sport (Kemenpora), Health Department (Depkes), Ministry  of Impoverished Region development (Kementrian Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal), Minsitry of Environment (KementerianLingkunganHidup), Research and Technology (Ristek, ) IPI, Bappenas and from local budget. The so- called decentralized research funding and competitive research funding have been have been awarded to UAD research team through different research activities such University flagship research (PUPT), Fundamental Research (PF), Competitive Research Grant (PHB), University Network Research (PEKERTI), Postgraduate Team Research, Doctoral Research (PDD) and National Strategic Research (Stranas) and Oversea Joint- Cooperation Research and International Publication (KLN-PI)

Research Performance

In the last three years, UAD teaching staff has produced more than 500 research projects which were funded by domestic and oversea institutions and UAD internal funding. Whereas there are 90 articles indexed by scopus and as many as 144 articles published in international journals Among UAD  teaching staff who have received overseas research grants are Dr. Eli N Hayati, MPH of UN Women,  with a grant of Rp.1,8 Million (2012), and. Drs.Hariyadi, M.Sc., Ph.D.from  Malaysia with a grant of Rp150 million (2012). Research funded by the Ministry of Education was conducted by Dr. Nurkhasanah, M.Si., who received a grant ofRp96,8 million and Dr. Ir. DwiSulisworo, M.T.with a grant sebeof Rp80,325 million

Research Consultative Board

The DPP has a supporting role in research and policies relating to research activities. Members of DPP consists of a representative from each faculty. Membership period of DPP is two years, and can be re-elected. The main task and function of DPP is to provide feedback, suggestions, and advice for LPP upon request or not with regard to research programs and activities.

Research Ethics Committe

The research ethics committee of Ahmad Dahlan University was established to oversee research acitivities involving human beings and animals. The committee was enacted through the UAD Rectorate Decree issued on 18 June 2014 , number 52, 2014 The research ethics comittee has the following tasks :

  1. To oversee ethical aspects of research protocols/procedures  involving human beings and or animals as research subjects
  2. To give ethical consent and clearance to research protocols
  3. To monitor and evaluate research undertaking which has been agreed by the research ethics comittee.
  4. To socialize research ethics guidelines at  Ahmad Dahlan university and other institutions.
  5. To propose to Head of Research and Development of Ahmad Dahlan University a halt to any research undertaking  which shows breach of ethics.
  6. To propose a review of research protocols from other institutions / research centers who are in conflict with researchers.

In addition to assisting researchers in obtaining ethical clearance, KEP also aims to safeguard research subjects’ dignity, rights, safety and wellfare in the event of conflicting interests between researchers and research subjects. More information about KEP UAD can be accessed at

Lecturers work verification and reward

Apart from supervising lecturers’ researching activities , LPP is also in charge of verifying lecturers’ work nominated to get a reward from the university. The verification process was done by a Reward Team established by the rector. Lecturers’ work nominated for an award includes textbooks, learning module/practicum guideline, seminar proceedings, scholarly publicatio and any work which has been patented under Intellectual Property Rights (HKI)

Organizational structure


    _________ : Command Line

    —————- : Coordination Line

Web Center for Research and Development :