
Center of Appropriate Technology Development was established in 2013 as a medium to stimulate research aimed at developing appropriate technology. The research focuses on applied technology for small scale industries.

Vision and Mission


To be the center for the development, application and dissemination of appropriate tehnology widely recognized and referred to by small scale industries and society


  1. To develop and apply appropriate technology which can offer a solution for society and small scale industries
  2. To disseminate appropriate technology to society
  3. To empower society in applying appropriate technology contributing to social and economic welfare
  4. To support the growth and development of small scale industries by utilizing appropriate technology.


1. Areas

  • Research
  • Training
  • Consultancy

2. Focus :

  • Process and product engineering in local natural resources.
  • Coconut oil production through dry processing.
  • Design of liquid vapor distillation system and charcoal making
  • Soap and detergent production
  • Candle production
  • Water management technology
  • Atsiri oil distillation (neelam , clove)
  • Renewable energy development
  • biogas
  • coconut shell briquet


  1. UAD competitive research on the  dry production process of coconut oil and the utilization of coconut  flour (Endah S. M.T & Imam Santoso , M.T. )  fund : 20 million
  2. Cooperation with CV Perkakas, Kalasan, Sleman, for production scale-up of coconut oil dry processing
  3. Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi DIKTI : Plastic waste pyrolisis to produce liquid gas  ( Chief: Maryudi, Ph.D., Fund : Rp50 million, continued to second year grant of Rp65 juta)
  4. Counseling  in the production of biogas unit in Ngawi