
ChiFEC (Child and Family Education Center) is a center established on 11 January 2014 Through the decree of UAD Rector no 3, 2013, ChiFEC was officially acknowledged and established under the coordination and evaluation of LPP UAD. ChiFEC was founded to examine and develop various issues pertaining to child and familiy education in the context of Indonesia. It focuses on informal child and family education

Vision and Mission of ChiFEC


To become a flagship center for the study of child and family education


  1. To conduct research in child and family education
  2. To develop scientific analysis on child and family education.
  3. To provide  stakeholders and people at large with information on research findings in child and family education.
  4. To exert APE standardization and provide facilities required for HAKI (Intelectual Property Rights) and patent rights covering design concepts and final products.
  5. Working in cooperation with various education centers and industries related to child and family education
  6. To provide consultancy in parenting and hypnoparenting


  1. Research
  2. Literacy Analysis
  3. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with  Parenting Communities DIY
  4. Publication
  5. Seminars and trainings
  6. Cooperation with other institutions


1. APE Sandardization (education game tools ):

The learning media course  over the  2013/2014 period has produced 19 APE. Out of this number, 6 APE have met the standard and qualify for further examination in terms of product design, prototype, trial, and manuals. After going through the standardization process,  the 6 APE were offered to media producers as a system for APE

2. Production of Practical Handbooks on Parenting

  • Hundreds of articles on parenting over the period of  2009 to 2012 have been published in ‘Harian Yogya’ Daily and Bernas Daily from 2014 to 2015.
  • There are two versions of books to be produced : pocket book and handbook on scientific parenting for academic study.
  • The books are to be published and launched  at the end of  tahun 2015

3. Parenting Consultancy:

  • Providing counseling for the parents of students at TK ABA Blunyah Gede on its anniversary day conducted on 1st March 2014. From 10 a.m to 12 a.m. with a theme ‘ the negative impact of Television and gadgets on early aged children
  • Providing counseling for the parents of students at TK ABA Sutopadan Ngetisharjo, Kasihan Bantul in parenting program, conducted on 16th December 2014, from 9 a.m to 11 a.m. with a theme ‘ Parenting as practiced by Rasulullah SAW ..

4. Home visit:

  • Mrs. Sn, in Deresan Sleman Yogyakarta. Her son aged 11,  experienced domestic violence during his parents’ divorce process. It requires counseling to stabilize his psycological condition and motivate him to go back to school. A home visit has been made on three different occassions, along with recommendation to take him to LPA and related centers to request for protection on Al and his mother
  • Mr. Lg and Mrs. Lt in Cebongan, Sleman  have a kid aged 1.5. A case of domestic violence, in the divorce process. After receiving consultancy and hipnotheraphy, they were reconciled and dropped the case
  • Mrs. Edh, di Jogonalan Klaten, has a 7-month old daughter from a siri marriage. Required counseling about her marriage status. Had intention to commit suicide or leave Java because she could not bear the agony and embarassment towards her family, and neighbouring society.

5. Publication

  • Sofyan, Iyan., 2013. Stimulation of Multiple Intelligences in Elementary Early Chilhood Efforts Holistic Optimization of Potential Child Through Simple Activities at Home Parents Together. Publish at Proceeding International Seminar (page 81-86), December 19th 2013. Yogyakarta: Islamic State University Sunan Kalijaga.
  • Sofyan, Iyan., 2013. Nasib Kurikulum Pendidikan Anti Korupsi, Wacana atau Rencana dalam Kurikulum 2013? Published at Proceeding National Seminar (page 247-259), December 20th 2013. Yogyakarta: Islamic State University Sunan Kalijaga.
  • Sofyan, Iyan., 2013. Waspada Efek Pancaroba. Publish at Harian Jogja Dayly Newspaper, (page 3), November 27th 2013. Yogyakarta: PT Solo Grafika Utama.
  • Sofyan, Iyan., 2013. Pendidikan Antikorupsi Sejak Dini. Publish at Suara Merdeka Dayly Newspaper, (page 9), December 21th 2013. Yogyakarta: PT Suara Merdeka Press.
  • Sofyan, Iyan., 2014. Orangtua juga Perlu Sekolah. Publish at Bernas Jogja Dayly Newspaper, (page 4), January 11th 2014. Yogyakarta: PT Muria Baru Offset Yogyakarta.
  • Sofyan, Iyan., 2014. Cara Bijak Mengatasi Balita Rewel. Publish at Bernas Jogja Dayly Newspaper, (page 4), February 9th 2014. Yogyakarta: PT Muria Baru Offset Yogyakarta.
  • Sofyan, Iyan., 2015. Ironi Gizi Buruk. Publish at Replubika National Dayly Newspaper, (page 6) Opinion Column,  Januari 24th 2015. Jakarta: PT Replubika Media Mandiri.